Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Information
If you have experienced domestic violence...
you are not alone. More than 9,000 people in New Hampshire seek and receive help for domestic violence every year; thousands more do so for sexual assaults.
If you feel your life is in danger contact the police immediately, call 9-1-1.
You should also contact the domestic violence crisis center in your area. For the nearest office, call the 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline (1-866-644-3574) at the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. For their 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline, call 1-800-277-5570.
The Bridges program provides crisis intervention, emergency shelter, court advocacy, support groups, education, outreach, and more. Call the Bridges 24-hour support line:
603-883-3044 Bridges accepts collect calls. Interpreters are available in 140 languages through the Language Line.
The crisis center or Bridges may refer you to the Domestic Violence Emergency (DOVE) Project of the New Hampshire Bar Association, for free legal representation in court to obtain a protective order - legal protection from an abuser. Call DOVE at 1-866-644-3574.
Or, complete an online application for legal services from 603 Legal Aid, or call 603 Legal Aid at 603-224-3333.
"Abuse'' means the commission or attempted commission of one or more of the acts described in subparagraphs (a) through (g) by a family or household member or by a current or former sexual or intimate partner, where such conduct is determined to constitute a credible present threat to the petitioner's safety. The court may consider evidence of such acts, regardless of their proximity in time to the filing of the petition, which, in combination with recent conduct, reflects an ongoing pattern of behavior which reasonably causes or has caused the petitioner to fear for his or her safety or well-being:
(a) Assault or reckless conduct as defined in RSA 631:1 through RSA 631:3.
(b) Criminal threatening as defined in RSA 631:4.
(c) Sexual assault as defined in RSA 632-A:2 through RSA 632-A:5.
(d) Interference with freedom as defined in RSA 633:1 through RSA 633:3-a.
(e) Destruction of property as defined in RSA 634:1 and RSA 634:2.
(f) Unauthorized entry as defined in RSA 635:1 and RSA 635:2.
(g) Harassment as defined in RSA 644:4.
Is Your Subsidized or Public Housing Threatened Because of Domestic Violence?
Watch below to learn how to preserve your subsidized housing in cases of domestic violence through the protections of the Violence Against Women Act.
If English is your second language or you don’t speak any English, you have a right to request an interpreter to assist you with the police and in any court proceedings. Make sure to let the police and/or the court know that you need an interpreter to help you.
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Date: September 2014/April 2020
Author: Legal Advice & Referral Center