Housing Counselors

Read about foreclosure during the COVID health crisis here.

Housing counselors can help

  • if you need to lower your home mortgage payments. A housing counselor will work with you to process an application for a home mortgage loan modification.

  • if you are having trouble paying your mortgage and want to explore your financial options.

Why work with a HUD-approved housing counselor?

  • There is no charge to work with a HUD-approved counseling agency.

  • A HUD-approved housing counselor will talk to you about your situation and help you decide what options are best for you.

  • A counselor will explain what documents you will need to provide to your mortgage company and may be able to contact the mortgage company on your behalf.

  • A housing counselor can help you make a budget that will show you how to meet your monthly mortgage payment and other expenses.

  • The counselor will also have information about local resources that may be helpful to you.

Find a housing counselor.

Learn more at HomeHelpNH.org or call 2-1-1.

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Date: June 2021