Welcome to Our New Intake Team Members: Sarah Dobe and Firoza Muradi!

We are thrilled to introduce two new additions to our Intake Team at 603 Legal Aid: Sarah Dobe and Firoza Muradi. Both bring unique experiences and a shared commitment to our mission of providing legal assistance and promoting justice for underserved communities. 

Meet Sarah Dobe 

Sarah Dobe

Sarah was born and raised in New Hampshire and holds a B.A. in Anthropology from Plymouth State University. Her career began as a tutor in the English Language department at Broken Ground School, where she worked with the New American population. This challenging yet rewarding role ignited her passion for working with underserved community members. Most recently, Sarah worked as an Academic Advisor for online students at Southern New Hampshire University, guiding adult learners in achieving their educational goals. 

Sarah's love for the outdoors is evident in her hobbies. She enjoys kayaking on the Warner River, sailing, hiking, and watching movies. Her enthusiasm for community service and her belief in equitable legal representation led her to 603 Legal Aid.  

Sarah shares, "I wanted to work at 603 Legal Aid because I believe that we all deserve legal representation and education, regardless of economic status. I am proud to be part of a team that makes it their mission to try and ensure assistance goes to those who need it most. I am excited to start working with such an enthusiastic and welcoming group!" 

Meet Firoza Muradi 

Firoza Muradi

Firoza Muradi is a recent graduate with dual degrees in International Comparative Politics from the American University of Central Asia and Bard College, along with a minor in International Business Law. Her passion for travel has taken her across various countries, allowing her to embrace new cultures and experiences. This adaptability and eagerness to learn are central to her character. 

Firoza's dedication to education and her aspirations for a successful career are deeply influenced by her family's values. She is determined to become the first lawyer in her family, overcoming the limited opportunities from her background. Her professional journey includes volunteering with AIESEC, an organization that promotes educational and exchange programs for students worldwide, and working with Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), as a peace ambassador, promoting peace and security for the next generation as an instructor.  

As an immigrant from Afghanistan, Firoza is passionate about supporting equality and justice, which aligns with her career goals. She says, "I am drawn to work at 603 Legal Aid because, as an immigrant, I am passionate about supporting diversity and justice, which aligns with my career aspirations. My experience in advocacy and promoting peace aligns with 603 Legal Aid’s mission to provide legal assistance and justice for underserved communities." 

Join Us in Welcoming Sarah and Firoza! 

We are excited to see the positive impact Sarah and Firoza will bring to our Intake Team and the communities we serve. Their diverse backgrounds and unwavering commitment to justice and equality make them invaluable additions to 603 Legal Aid. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Sarah Dobe and Firoza Muradi! 

Emma Bates